Vårt utbud
Under taket på MOON kan du uppleva både klasser inom yoga, dans och healing men även många olika typer av event inom yoga, personlig utveckling, healing och spiritualitet, olika typ av kurser samt behandlingar så som massage och healing. Vi är många lärare och space holders inom MOON. Läs mer och se vårt utbud nedan.
Vi har många regelbundna klasser med både lugnare och mer fysisk yoga, dans och chanting.
Klicka på respektive klass för att läsa mer i Peach, där du också bokar klasserna.
Pilates & Yoga
Bodiphy Sculpt
This will be a challenging full-body workout using Mini Bars by Body Bar. They made 2lb bars for the video and will make 2 lb bars customer order for consumers. I will recommend 2lbs for beginners and 4lbs for those who are intermediate to advanced. Body Bar will give a discount through the end of the year.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min
Pilates & Yoga
Beginner Mat Workout
This class uses the classical Pilates mat exercises for a fun, challenging, and effective workout. You’ll sculpt a strong, long, and lean body. This class is great for all levels, with modifications for beginners or any injuries, and an intense and fast pace for those with more experience.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min
Fullmånen kommer med en möjlighet att släppa allt som inte längre tjänar oss. Välkommen att mötas på MOON med likasinnade för en meningsfull stund tillsammans i cirkel.
Varje ceremoni inkluderar en introduktion till den aktuella fullmånen, sharing circle, inspirerande samtal, reflektionsövning.
Space holder: Felicia
Beginner Mat Workout
This class uses the classical Pilates mat exercises for a fun, challenging, and effective workout. You’ll sculpt a strong, long, and lean body. This class is great for all levels, with modifications for beginners or any injuries, and an intense and fast pace for those with more experience.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min
Bodiphy Sculpt
This will be a challenging full-body workout using Mini Bars by Body Bar. They made 2lb bars for the video and will make 2 lb bars customer order for consumers. I will recommend 2lbs for beginners and 4lbs for those who are intermediate to advanced. Body Bar will give a discount through the end of the year.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min
HIT & Strength
Bodiphy Sculpt
This will be a challenging full-body workout using Mini Bars by Body Bar. They made 2lb bars for the video and will make 2 lb bars customer order for consumers. I will recommend 2lbs for beginners and 4lbs for those who are intermediate to advanced. Body Bar will give a discount through the end of the year.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min
HIT & Strength
Beginner Mat Workout
This class uses the classical Pilates mat exercises for a fun, challenging, and effective workout. You’ll sculpt a strong, long, and lean body. This class is great for all levels, with modifications for beginners or any injuries, and an intense and fast pace for those with more experience.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min
Cardio & Boxing
Beginner Mat Workout
This class uses the classical Pilates mat exercises for a fun, challenging, and effective workout. You’ll sculpt a strong, long, and lean body. This class is great for all levels, with modifications for beginners or any injuries, and an intense and fast pace for those with more experience.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min
Cardio & Boxing
Bodiphy Sculpt
This will be a challenging full-body workout using Mini Bars by Body Bar. They made 2lb bars for the video and will make 2 lb bars customer order for consumers. I will recommend 2lbs for beginners and 4lbs for those who are intermediate to advanced. Body Bar will give a discount through the end of the year.
Instructor: Alixandra Smith
- 20 min